Aug 4-5, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka

WEConnect International with the support of U.S Department of State SCA aims to develop and deliver a high quality advanced professional capacity building program for a selected number of women-owned businesses in South Asia, promoting an upgradation in their knowledge on how to do business with corporate buyers.

Section A: (4 hours) - Business Model and Strategy Alignment
  • Module 1: “Business Model Canvas (BMC), Intellectual Property & Entrepreneurship,”
  • Module 2: “Marketing & Sales Strategy.”
  • Includes time for participants to work in groups or individually to establish BMC and Strategy.
Section B: (4 hours) – Perfecting Your Pitch
  • Module 3: “Developing/ Improving Capability Statement”
  • Module 4: “Preparing a winning sales pitch.”
  • Group work/ plenary presentations.
  • Pitching exercise
Section C: (4 hours) – Technology and Negotiation skills
  • Module 5: “Technology”
    Module 6: “Business negotiation skills.”
    Group work/ plenary presentations.
    Roleplay on negotiation skills.
Section D: (4 hours) - The Pitch
  • Have each of the WOBs pitch to a Panel of Buyers
  • Have the Buyers provide feedback and level of interest.
Only Selected participants who meet the criteria will be invited to attend

Question Title

* 1. Participant Information

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* 2. Business Information

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* 3. Is your business a legally registered business?

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* 4. Is your business at least 51% owned, operated, and managed by one or more women?

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* 6. Do you currently have a contract with any local and/or international corporations?

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* 7. My business is a:

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* 8. Where did you head about this event?