In keeping with Propak's goal to continuously improve, we want your feedback to measure our performance as your employer. Your concerns and suggestions are important to us.  We are asking you to take a few minutes to complete our Employee Feedback Survey. We encourage you to be open and honest in your assessment.  Your responses ARE confidential.  

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* 1. Do you have the tools that enable you to do your job effectively?

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* 2. Do you have the opportunity to contribute to the decisions that affect you?

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* 3. Do you understand how your role contributes to achieving business outcomes?

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* 4. Do you receive useful and constructive feedback from your manager?

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* 5. Are you given adequate feedback about your performance? 

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* 6. Are you held responsible for your work?

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* 7. Do you feel others are held responsible for their work?

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* 8. Do you receive training you need to do your job well?

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* 9. Do you feel all employees are treated fairly?

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* 10. Do you feel that you are paid fairly for the work that you do?

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* 11. Do you understand and feel satisfied with the benefit package offered by the Company?

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* 12. Would you continue to participate in Propak’s medical plan if the government stops requiring you to have medical insurance?

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* 13. In the past few years, Propak has added many employee friendly policies, such as Tuition Reimbursement, Clark Scholarship Fund, PTO Transfer, Pay in Lieu of Time Off, PTO accrual at day 1, etc.  Were you aware of these policies? If so, do you feel that these policies are value-add and do you have any suggestions on other employee friendly policies you would like to see?

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* 14. Do you feel your workplace is safe?

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* 15. Do you feel information and knowledge are shared openly within this organization?

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* 16. Do you feel your ideas and opinions count at work?

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* 17. Do you feel people are held accountable for achieving goals and meeting expectations?

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* 18. Do you feel the organization respects its employees?

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* 19. Do you respect your manager as a competent professional?

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* 20. How likely are you to recommend Propak as an employer to a close friend?

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* 21. How likely are you to seek other employment in the next 12 months?

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* 22. Why have you stayed at Propak thus far?

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* 23. Please share any ideas that can help make Propak a better place to work.