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* 1. Before this survey, had you heard of Project Self-Sufficiency?

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* 2. If yes, how did you first hear about Project Self-Sufficiency? (Select all that apply)

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* 3. How would you rate your familiarity with Project Self-Sufficiency?

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* 4. Have you ever volunteered for Project Self-Sufficiency?

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* 5. Have you ever served on the board for Project Self-Sufficiency?

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* 6. Based on what you know, what do you believe Project Self-Sufficiency does? (Open-ended)

Project Self-Sufficiency is an organization that partners with single parents and guardians, offering strengths-based, practical support and resources to help them break free from the cycle of survival. Project Self-Sufficiency supports approximately 140 low-income families annually.

Each participant is paired with an Advisor to establish an empowering and trusting relationship, crucial for building selfpower and confidence necessary to achieve their goals. The program begins with steps focused on stabilization, identifying strengths, and providing career counseling to develop a personalized plan for gaining additional education and training. The model includes built-in resources designed to support participants on their journey toward a better future.

Eligibility includes being a single parent with at least one child aged 15 or younger living with them at least 50% of the time; residence in Larimer and Weld; earning less than 225% of FPL for family size; willing to pursue some type of education and training; and willing and able to work.

The process includes submitting an application, two help sessions with an advisor, an interview, and then an offer to enter the program.

The ultimate goal is for families to transform their lives through the power of education and a targeted career path. People enter the program and “graduate” when done. Participants can be in the program for up to 8 years, and they have up to one year in the Discover Stage, then have 3 years to get an associate degree and 6 to get a bachelor’s. The timeline varies for each participant. The average amount of time in the program is 4 years.

A successful program graduate is someone who accomplishes one or more of the following: completion of degree or certificate; increases income upon exiting from the program; obtains employment in their designated career field.

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* 7. How well do you think Project Self-Sufficiency communicates its mission and activities?

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* 8. Rate how important you feel the work Project Self-Sufficiency does in our community is

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* 9. What specific activities or programs of Project Self-Sufficiency are you aware of? (Select all that apply)

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* 10. Have you visited the Project Self-Sufficiency website ( before?

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* 11. The mission statement reads: "Our Mission is to assist low-income, single parents in their efforts to achieve economic independence and become free from community and government assistance while building and maintaining strong, healthy families."

How clear and impactful do you find this messaging?

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* 12. The vision statement is: "Our Vision is that every low-income, single parent in Northern Colorado is self-sufficient." How well do you think this vision will resonate with the community?

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* 13. Which of the following key values resonates with you the most? (Select all that apply)

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* 14. What words or phrases come to mind when you think about Project Self-Sufficiency? (Open-ended)

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* 15. Have you ever participated in any events or programs organized by Project Self-Sufficiency?

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* 16. Would you be interested in supporting Project Self-Sufficiency in any of the following ways? (Select all that apply)

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* 17. How would you prefer to receive updates and information about Project Self-Sufficiency’s activities and impact? (Select all that apply)

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* 18. If you wanted to learn more about Project Self-Sufficiency, how frequently would you like to be updated on the organization’s activities and impact?

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* 19. If you are not currently supporting Project Self-Sufficiency, what factors might encourage you to do so in the future? (Open-ended)

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* 20. How would you rate the overall reputation of Project Self-Sufficiency in the community?

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* 21. Are there any aspects of Project Self-Sufficiency’s public image that you think need improvement? (Open-ended)

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* 22. What is your age range?

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* 23. What is your gender?

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* 24. What city do you live in?

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* 25. Do you have experience serving on a board of directors?

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* 26. How many organizations do you donate to each year?

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* 27. On average, how much do you donate to non-profit or charitable organizations each year?

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* 28. Do you have any other comments or suggestions for Project Self-Sufficiency? (Open-ended)

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