This survey is for residents of Shropshire aimed at gathering the views and experiences of young people with SEND with Transition Planning.

We want to hear from all professionals working with young people with SEND from year 9 onwards, including young people who have completed their education. Your views are important to us and will play an crucial part in reviewing the Preparation for Adulthood process.

The Council in partnership with health, Parent Carer Council (PACC) and other professionals have set up a workstream to review Shropshire’s ‘preparation for adulthood' process.

Your views are important and integral to the outcomes of this review.

The Children and Families Act Code of Practice says that from year 9 young people with SEND and an Education, Health, and Care plan (EHCP) should be supported with high aspirations for the four areas of Preparation for Adulthood (PFA) and helping understand of what support is available to them as they get older.

Four areas of PFA
• Employment
• Independent living
• Community Inclusion
• Good Health

More information can be found at:
Preparing for adulthood | Shropshire Council
SEND_Code_of_Practice_January_2015.pdf (

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Should you require an Easy Read version of the survey, or would like to tell us anything else, you can email