Feedback Survey Introduction

This survey was developed to allow first responders to provide feedback on the usefulness of the "Using Preventative Radiological Nuclear Detection Equipment for Consequence Management Missions" job aid.  Please review each question carefully, this is your opportunity to help us make this job aid a useful tool for your future use.

This operator aid book briefly describes procedures for the use of first responder preventive radiological/nuclear detection (PRND) equipment in a consequence management (CM) response to a radiological material release to the environment.  The PRND mission is to detect and interdict radiological/nuclear materials outside of regulatory control before they can be misused.  Many state and local agencies have purchased equipment for the PRND mission that could be used as a force multiplier in a CM response. The operator aids provide state and local agencies with guidance on how to effectively use the PRND equipment during a CM response.

The usefulness of PRND equipment during a CM response was categorized into the following operational categories: Exposure Rate (both Exposure Monitoring and Radiation Survey), Integrated Dose (Worker Exposure Monitoring), Contamination Screening (for both person and objects), and Isotope Identification.  By using appropriate PRND equipment for each operational category, the first responder will provide critical information to other radiological emergency response organizations.

Question Title

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10% of survey complete.