Question Title

* 1. Boardrider Club Name 

Question Title

* 2. Contact Person's First Name

Question Title

* 3. Contact Person's Last Name 

Question Title

* 4. Contact Person's Title

Question Title

* 5. Contact Person's Email

Question Title

* 6. Contact Person's Number

Question Title

* 7. Boardrider Club ABN

Question Title

* 8. Boardrider Club Suburb/Location

Question Title

* 9. Boardrider Club Website

Question Title

* 10. Club Social Handles

Question Title

* 11. Total Club Members

Question Title

* 12. Please Insert your Boardrider Club name NSW Government 'Stop It and Swap It' Campaign

Question Title

* 13. Project Description
We’re looking to support Boardrider clubs who show us that they are actively looking at or already using single use plastic alternatives. We will be looking for projects that use effective targeted approaches to ‘Stop it and swap it’.
Please add you Project description below:

Question Title

* 14. Describe the marketing elements you will implement into your Boardrider Club and how you will then have your club engage with the ‘Stop It and Swap It’ Campaign.

Question Title

* 15. What changes are you hoping to see from the ‘Stop It and Swap It’ campaign?

Question Title

* 16. Please explain how you think your project will best have a positive and enduring impact in one or more of these areas:
a.Increase sustainable practices within the Boardrider club
b.Increase Club membership 
c.Increase Club exposure within your community 
d.Increase reputation as being a Club that encourage sustainable practices
e.Identify the best recreational to Boardrider Club transition strategies 
f. Increase local sponsorship prospects

Question Title

* 17. Nominate one leader (male or female) who will be the driver of this project.

Question Title

* 18. Grant funding allocation 
Please briefly describe where you will spend your funds:

Question Title

* 19. Upload Boardrider Club Logo

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 20. Please remember, upon submitting this application, if successful you agree to the Terms and Conditions of this Grants Program here.  (we have extracted some main requirements as per the FAQ sheet.)

  • Only (1) one application can be submitted per Club
  • All applications must be discussed and approved with Boardrider Club Committee 
  • Projects will need to commence further planning stages after the agreement has been signed the week of 27th of January. The project must be completed no later than 5th of June 2023 so Surfing NSW can align marketing messages.
  • Project dates, details, information need to be communicated to The Funder in the planning stages and before 5th of June 2023.
  • All Projects must include a powerful marketing campaign that will promote their project to the wider community and target market to increase impact outcomes
  • Project name must include the wording NSW Government ‘Stop It and Swap It’ Campaign (See application question 1 for details)
  • Projects must incorporate the supplied EPA and Surfing NSW logo, campaign messaging and branding into project marketing (Campaign Logo and Club Logo will be integrated and supplied by Surfing NSW to be used for all promotional signage and digital promotional purposes associated with Project)
  • The project must nominate a leader who will carry out the responsibilities relating to the project (See Terms and Conditions)
  • All registrations for projects must be coordinated with The Funder (Surfing NSW) and taken through website. See Terms and Conditions for more info)
  • Completion of project – The Funder will provide successful recipients with an end of project report that must be submitted 30 days post project completion, detailing the impact of the program and how the funding was used.

I have read and agree to the terms & conditions 

Question Title

* 21. I declare that all information provided as part of this application is true and correct, and that I am authorised from my Boardrider Club Committee and President, to submit this application.

Disclaimer: Submission of an application does not guarantee funding. The costs of producing an application are borne by the applicant. The Funder* reserves the right to withdraw funding. Applicants should ensure that they have read all relevant program materials to be fully informed about the program's requirements. 

Use of Information: Information received in applications for funding is treated as confidential. However, documents held by The Funder are subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. This means that the information contained in application forms and other relevant documents may be released in response to a request lodged under this Act. 

To adequately assess applications for funding and implement the Grants Program, information contained in the application and its attachments may be shared with delegated officers of the Funder or shared with the Funding Suppliers** upon selection, should it be deemed appropriate. 

Should this project be successful, the following information will be made public; the name of the applicant (Boardrider Club), project title, project description, location of the project and the amount awarded to the project. 

*The Funder – Surfing NSW and **Funding Suppliers – NSW Government