Council is seeking community feedback on proposed traffic changes, to improve safety near the Bellbrae Primary School.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions. 

Question Title

* 1. Do you have concerns about safety on School Road in Bellbrae, relating to...?

  Not concerned Somewhat concerned Very concerned
Pedestrian safety
Speed of vehicles travelling along school road
Bicycle safety
Volume of traffic
Cars manouvering in/ out of car parks

Question Title

* 2. What is the most significant issue for you?

Question Title

* 3. Speed humps/pedestrian crossings
The plan of proposed works includes the installation of speed humps and two raised priority pedestrian crossings along School Road to slow traffic and improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.

How would you rate your views on the proposed installation of speed humps/ pedestrian crossings?

Question Title

* 4. Parking Limits
The plan proposes an option to alter parking limits to promote more frequent turn over in the existing angled car parks directly opposite the school (eg. 5 mins during school times, currently all day parking).

How would you rate your views on the proposed changes to parking limits?

Question Title

* 5. Speed limits
The plan proposes an option to reduce speed limits across the existing Bellbrae residential area (with current speed limits of 50km/hr) to 40km/hr. This would include all local roads in Bellbrae located between Great Ocean Road in the south east and Anglesea Road in the west. It would not include major roads or rural roads in the broader Bellbrae catchment.

How would you rate your views on the proposed speed limit changes?

Question Title

* 6. Pedestrian crossings
The plan of proposed works includes the installation of two raised priority pedestrian crossings (wombat crossings) at existing school crossing locations on School Rd.
It is not intended that the proposal change current arrangements with crossing supervisors just that there is enhanced safety outside school operation hours at these locations by providing raised crossings.

How would you rate your views on the proposed installation of raised priority pedestrian crossings?

Question Title

* 7. Do you have any other feedback or suggestions you would like to share?