Elite Life Academy Mastermind with Danelle Delgado Question Title * 1. Your Full Name: Question Title * 2. CONTACT INFO: Phone, Email, Mailing Address Question Title * 3. What is your website address/social media sites to follow? Question Title * 4. Tell me about you and why you've chosen to apply for the mastermind and how committed are you to getting results immediately? Question Title * 5. Describe your business for me and how you monetize your worth today? Question Title * 6. Briefly describe how you are currently building and marketing your business. Question Title * 7. Who or what do you think is your biggest obstacle in reaching your goals? Question Title * 8. If you could wave a magic wand and change three things in your business or life in the next 12 months, what would they be? Question Title * 9. Why should I choose you to join the next mastermind team? Question Title * 10. And is there anything else you would like to share with me prior to accepting applications? Send Application Now