Community Waste Survey

The Shire of Gingin wants to hear your views about waste and recycling services in the Shire.
The Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) Strategy 2030 was released by the WA government to guide the State in becoming a sustainable, low-waste circular economy. The key focus of the Strategy is to generate less waste, recover more value and resources from waste, and to protect the environment by managing waste responsibility.
To be in the best position to meet the Strategy outcomes, the Shire has committed to undertaking a waste reform and strategic planning project to inform service delivery and infrastructure requirements for the future.
We have identified a preferred option to modernise services provided, protect the environment and increase public safety. This includes the construction of ‘Transfer Stations’ at Lancelin and Gingin to collect waste and recycling streams, and transferring waste for disposal to the Shire landfill in Seabird. This will result in closure and rehabilitation of the Gingin and Lancelin landfills.
We cannot achieve better waste management outcomes without commitment and support of the community. To guide our planning and decision making we are undertaking a resident survey to better understand the community’s views on waste and recycling.
The survey takes about 5-10 minutes and any answers you provide are confidential.
Thank you for taking the time to undertake this survey.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Address

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* 3. Are you a (select one)

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* 4. Age in years

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* 5. Do you receive a kerbside waste and recycling collection service?

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* 6. How often do you use the Shire's waste management facilities at Gingin, Seabird or Lancelin?

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* 7. Please select the reasons you use the Shire’s Waste Management Facilities. (Please select all responses that apply).

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* 8. Is reducing waste to landfill and recycling important to you?

Not important Very Important
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 9. Do you support waste management being a priority action area for the Shire?

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* 10. How satisfied are you with the following waste management services provided by the Shire?

  Least satisfied Less Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied More Satisfied Most satisfied
Kerbside collection (waste and recycling)
Vergeside green waste collection
Drop off landfill
Tip Shop
Litter management
Public place bins
Education and engagement

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* 11. 1. What are the most important factors in terms of your waste being managed? (Rank from most important to least)

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* 12. How concerned are you that the costs of waste management services may rise in the future?

Not at all concerned Very concerned
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 13. All organic waste collected in the Shire's kerbside waste bins goes straight to landfill. The decomposition of organic waste causes greenhouse gas emissions and can produce leachate which can impact groundwater. How supportive are you of the Shire providing a service to reduce organic waste to landfill and convert the recovered material to a compost by-product?

Not supportive Very supportive
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 14. In your opinion, does the community have adequate opportunity to recycle within the Shire?

No opportunity Lots of opportunity
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 15. 1. How much more would you be willing to pay for improved waste services in the Shire?

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* 16. Should more be done to educate the community about waste/waste issues and ways to minimise waste to landfill?

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* 17. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey and for contributing to the improvement of waste management in the Shire. 

The Shire will be providing an information session for the community on the waste reform project and survey outcomes during September at the Woodridge Hall in Woodridge.
If you are interested in attending, please provide your email address below and we will send you further details.