OTM 2025 Hosted Buyer Application Question Title * 1. Your Details Name Organisation Designation Website House/Flat/Office No. Street Address Pincode City Question Title * 2. Country code IN +91 AF +93 AL +355 DZ +213 AS +1684 AD +376 AO +244 AI +1264 AQ +672 AG +1268 AR +54 AM +374 AW +297 AU +61 AT +43 AZ +994 BS +1242 BH +973 BD +880 BB +1246 BY +375 BE +32 BZ +501 BJ +229 BM +1441 BT +975 BO +591 BA +387 BW +267 BR +55 BN +673 BG +359 BF +226 BI +257 KH +855 CM +237 CA +1 CV +238 KY +1345 CF +236 TD +235 CL +56 CN +86 CX +53 CC +61 CO +57 KM +269 CD +243 CG +242 CK +682 CR +506 CI +225 HR +385 CU +53 CY +357 CZ +420 DK +45 DJ +253 DM +1767 DO +1809 DO +1829 TP +670 EC +593 EG +20 SV +503 GQ +240 ER +291 EE +372 ET +251 FK +500 FO +298 FJ +679 FI +358 FR +33 GF +594 PF +689 GA +241 GM +220 GE +995 DE +49 GH +233 GI +350 GR +30 GL +299 GD +1473 GP +590 GU +1671 GT +502 GN +224 GW +245 GY +592 HT +509 HN +504 HK +852 HU +36 IS +354 IN +91 ID +62 IR +98 IQ +964 IE +353 IL +972 IT +39 JM +1876 JP +81 JO +962 KZ +7 KE +254 KI +686 KP +850 KR +82 KW +965 KG +996 LA +856 LV +371 LB +961 LS +266 LR +231 LY +218 LI +423 LT +370 LU +352 MO +853 MK +389 MG +261 MW +265 MY +60 MV +960 ML +223 MT +356 MH +692 MQ +596 MR +222 MU +230 YT +269 MX +52 FM +691 MD +373 MC +377 MN +976 MS +1664 MA +212 MZ +258 MM +95 NA +264 NR +674 NP +977 NL +31 AN +599 NC +687 NZ +64 NI +505 NE +227 NG +234 NU +683 NF +672 MP +1670 NO +47 OM +968 PK +92 PW +680 PS +970 PA +507 PG +675 PY +595 PE +51 PH +63 PL +48 PT +351 PR +1787 PR +1939 QA +974 RE +262 RO +40 RU +7 RW +250 SH +290 KN +1869 LC +1758 PM +508 VC +1784 WS +685 SM +378 ST +239 SA +966 SN +221 SC +248 SL +232 SG +65 SK +421 SI +386 SB +677 SO +252 ZA +27 ES +34 LK +94 SD +249 SR +597 SZ +268 SE +46 CH +41 SY +963 TW +886 TJ +992 TZ +255 TH +66 TK +690 TO +676 TT +1868 TN +216 TR +90 TM +993 TC +1649 TV +688 UG +256 UA +380 AE +971 GB +44 US +1 UY +598 UZ +998 VU +678 VA +418 VE +58 VN +84 VI +1284 VQ +1340 WF +681 YE +967 ZM +260 ZW +263 Question Title * 3. Mobile number Question Title * 4. Official Email id Question Title * 5. Please mention your company's Travel Segment. (Tick all that apply): FIT (Individual Travel) GIT (Group Travel) MICE/Business Travel Adventure & Sports Tourism Health and Wellness Weddings & Honeymoon Cruises Religious & Cultural Travel Accommodation Wholesaler Question Title * 6. What is your company's annual travel budget? Less than US$ 50K ( < Rs. 50 lac) US$ 50K - US$ 100K (Rs. 50 lac - Rs. 1cr) US$ 100K - US$ 1 Million (Rs. 1cr - 5cr) More than US$ 1 Million (Rs. 5cr+) Question Title * 7. How would you describe your position within the company? MD/CEO/Chairman/President Owner/Partner/Associate Senior Management Middle Management Junior Management Question Title * 8. Pick the categories that best apply to your products. Budget / Economy Mid-Market Upscale Luxury Question Title * 9. Does your business serve Outbound travellers from India? Yes No Question Title * 10. What % of your business approximately is Domestic: Question Title * 11. What % of your business approximately is Outbound: Question Title * 12. Which are the top countries you have sent tourists to: Question Title * 13. In what year was your company established? Question Title * 14. How many employees does your company have? Question Title * 15. What is the total number of persons your company catered in FY 2023-2024? Question Title * 16. Names of three existing MICE Suppliers or DMCs within or outside India your company currently works with: Company 1 Contact Person Phone number Company 2 Contact Person Phone number Company 3 Contact Person Phone number Question Title * 17. Please share the details of the last three Outbound group tours, including the month, destination and the number of tourist in each group Tour 1 Tour 2 Tour 3 Question Title * 18. Company Description.(Please describe your company in 50 words or less) Question Title * 19. What is your decision making level in purchasing business travel requirements? Final Decision Research and Recommend Plan/Organise None Other (please specify) Question Title * 20. List any future business within and/or outside India your company is sourcing and/or booking for 2024-25 and beyond Question Title * 21. Have you ever been a Hosted Buyer at OTM in the past? No Yes If Yes, please tell us which year. Question Title * 22. What is your main reason for attending OTM 2025? Sell Buy Gather Information Question Title * 23. Please upload a Scan Copy of Your Visiting Card PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload a Scan Copy of Your Visiting Card Question Title * 24. Please upload a Scan Copy of your Photograph PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please upload a Scan Copy of your Photograph Question Title * 25. Association Membership: SITE OTOAI ADTOI IATO TIA TAAI TAFI NIMA ETAA SKAL SIGTOA Other (please specify) Question Title * 26. Would you like to recommend or nominate anyone else for the same offer? If yes please fill below: Name Designation Organisation Email Mobile City Question Title * 27. Terms and Conditions: A Hosted Buyer is expected to do as many meetings with Exhibiting sellers as possible, within the time spent at OTM 2025 which is supposed to be full working day/s of the hosted part of the trip. Each Hosted Buyer is expected to attend at least 20 business meetings and attend a session per day, on the show floor.Package Highlights & Inclusions:- Register by December 15, 2024, for a fee of INR 17,500 and receive an INR 3,000 refund*- Accommodation on a twin-sharing basis for 2 nights/ 3 days at a 5-star hotel on MAPAI basis (single room supplement INR 5000 per night).- Lunch, refreshments, and access to the exclusive networking lunch and knowledge sessions.- Access to online meeting diary which can be used to pre-schedule business meetings with sellers.*On completion of at least 20 business meetings per day and hosted buyer exit formalities.The OTM Hosted Buyer offer is reserved for industry leaders situated outside Mumbai.OTM reserves the right to decline a Hosted Buyer’s application without necessarily providing a reason for doing so. OTM reserves the right to cancel the participation of a Hosted Buyer, including after the buyer’s acceptance into the programme; for example, should it become apparent that the buyer is unlikely to fulfill their obligations and commitments to the programme.Hosted Buyers attempting to sell products or services will be prohibited from doing so, and risk forfeiting their hosted buyer privileges.Please note that the dress code for the OTM show is Business Formals.If accepted into the programme, OTM reserves the right to use the company logo of any Hosted Buyer in any marketing collateral. Next