local News Survey

1.How often do you follow local news? (Tick one)
2.What is your primary source of local news? (Tick all that apply)
3.How satisfied are you with the current local news coverage? (Tick one)
4.What aspects of local news do you find most valuable? (Tick up to three)
5.In what formats do you prefer to consume local news? (Tick all that apply)
6.In your opinion, what is lacking in the current local news coverage? (Tick all that apply)
7.How would you prefer to receive local news updates? (Tick all that apply)
8.What topics would you like to see more coverage of in local news? (Open-ended)
9.Do you feel that local news accurately represents your community? (Tick one)
10.Please share any additional comments or thoughts you have about local news. (Open-ended)
11.How likely are you to pay for a subscription to a local news service that provides in-depth, quality reporting that you would be interested in?
12.If you were to pay for a local news subscription, what is the maximum amount you would be willing to pay per month?
13.Section 3: Demographics