2019 Year End Feedback!  How Are We Doing? Let Us Know!

Dear Reader, Colleague, Entrepreneurial Feminist!

As we approach the end of the year, we thought we would ask you how we are doing, what we could do better,  and what story themes would you like to see next year! 

Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us!  And will help us serve you better! 

So let's get started!  This will only take 4 minutes tops! 

Happy Holidays!

PK Mutch & the LiisBeth Team

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* 1. How do you most often engage with LiisBeth? (Check All That Apply)

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* 2. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the quality of our newsletter?

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* 3. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the quality of our online magazine?  What can we do to improve?

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* 4. What story themes, issues and types would you like to see us invest in for 2020?  We gave you a few prompts but please list others!

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* 5. Do you know about a kickass feminist enterprise, project or idea we should be writing about? If so, please tell us about it here. 

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* 6. How would you best describe yourself?

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* 7. What physical age-based generation do you belong to? (We believe values are fluid--and ever changing--and not defined exclusively by year you were born)