Sleep Medicine Fellowship Survey for EM physicians Question Title * 1. Please select below which of the following applies to you: ABEM certified or Board Eligible graduate of an ACGME accredited Emergency Medicine residency program Currently in residency training at an ACGME accredited Emergency Medicine residency program Currently enrolled in an LCME or COCA accredited Medical School (Allopathic or Osteopathic) and planning to apply to Emergency Medicine residency programs None of the above apply to me Question Title * 2. Sleep Medicine is a one-year fellowship currently offered to physicians trained in Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Anesthesiology, ENT, and Psychiatry. Emergency Medicine trained physicians are currently not eligible to apply to Sleep Medicine fellowships. Please answer the following question in terms of how strongly you agree with or disagree with the statement below. I believe physicians trained in Emergency Medicine should be eligible to apply to Sleep Medicine fellowships: Strongly agree Moderately agree Neutral/No Opinion Moderately disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 3. If Emergency Medicine trained physicians were eligible to apply for Sleep Medicine fellowships, would you individually have an interest in applying for the Sleep Medicine fellowship? Yes, I would have a strong interest Yes, I would have some level of interest and would potentially consider applying Not sure/haven’t thought about this previously No, however I believe the fellowship should be available to my colleagues who are EM trained No, and I do not believe this fellowship should be available as an option for EM trained physicians Question Title * 4. Please leave additional comments or questions below (optional) Question Title * 5. Please include your name below if you are ABEM-certified and interested in Sleep Medicine as a subspecialty certification opportunity Done