
This is our Annual Client Survey, that we conduct to improve services at Lumacare. Thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to complete this survey. We appreciate your feedback, as we constantly strive to improve our services.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is the primary language you speak at home?

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* 3. How do you identify your gender? Please select the box(es) that apply to you.

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* 4. Do you self-identify as a member of one of the Indigenous peoples of North America?

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* 5. If yes, please select the box(es) that apply to you

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* 6. Do you self-identify as a member of a racialized group/visible minority? For this purpose, members of racialized groups/visible minorities means persons, other than Indigenous people, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour. Please note that this question does not refer to the country in which you were born, your citizenship or your religion.

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* 7. If yes, please select the options that apply to you.

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* 8. Please indicate the location of your primary residence. Check one.

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* 9. Who is completing the survey?

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* 10. What services are you currently receiving from Lumacare? Check as many as appropriate.

12% of survey complete.