Question Title

* 1. Organization Information

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* 2. Main Contact Information

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* 3. Executive Director

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* 4. Organization Mission Statement

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* 5. Total Membership (#)

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* 6. Please describe any credentialing or accreditation activities (if applicable).

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* 7. Please describe why your organization is seeking membership on the NAPRC, including specific examples of how your organization can add value to the NAPRC.

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* 8. Please describe how NAPRC membership will benefit your organization.

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* 9. Please confirm that your organization is national in scope and serves a national membership.

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* 10. Please describe how your organization actively addresses equity in cancer care.

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* 11. Please indicate the organization’s primary areas of involvement in the field of oncology (check all that apply). 

If selected for membership, please evaluate your organization and its appointed representative’s ability to meet the following core expectations.
  • Serve a minimum, three-year term
  • Serve on, and actively participate in, at least one NAPRC standing committee
  • Attend, and actively participate in, at least one in-person meeting a year, which include the appointed committee and quarterly committee conference calls 
  • Financially support your representative’s travel and lodging to the in-person meetings
  • Report on NAPRC activities annually to your organization’s leadership and constituents

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* 12. Please attach your letter of interest in .PDF or .DOC, .DOCX format. 

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.

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* 13. Information of individual completing this application (if different from main contact person). 

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* 14. Any additional supporting materials may be attached in this section.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 15. Please enter your eSignature below:

For questions, please contact Victoria Hernandez, Cancer Programs Administrator, at or via phone (312) 202-5209.