The Parents Promise - Separation and education survey for parents

The Parents Promise is a group of organisations, and individuals, who believe that all children deserve the most positive experience possible during parental separation or divorce.
Our aim is to create a genuinely child-focussed society and better systems to ensure the long-term wellbeing of children when parents separate. The Parents Promise Education Project will look at parental separation and school and what resources could be created to better support children, parents and educational professionals.
For more information on our members and our previous work visit our website
All information shared is in anonymous
1.How long ago did you and your ex-partner separate?
2.Are you mum or dad?
3.What type of school was your child attending when you separated?
4.Was their school in the private or state sector?
5.How did your child’s school find out about your separation?
6.Do you think your parental separation affected (please tick all that apply)
7.Did your child move school as a direct result of separation?
8.Did your child’s school have a specific policy for parents who are or have separated?
9.Do you feel that the school was well equipped to support your child during/following your separation?
10.Do you feel that the school was well equipped to support you and your relationship with the school during/following your separation?
11.Did the school give you any information which was helpful to you and/or your child
12.Did you feel the school favoured one parent over the other (even if not intentionally?)
13.Did your child have someone they could talk to at school about the family separation?
14.On reflection, would you say the school was a positive source of support for your child?
15.On reflection, would you say the school provided a positive and clear framework for you as a school parent going through separation?
16.Overall, would you say the school was a help or a hindrance for you and your child during your separation?
17.If you want to tell us something else about your experiences as a separated parent and school life, please do so below. It is important not to name individuals/teachers and/or children