planned parenthood toronto – youth input into strategic planning

planned parenthood toronto needs your help!
We are looking for your input into our strategic planning process, which is about shaping the future of our organization. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas with us.

This survey is intended for youth aged 13-29 living in Toronto. The survey is completely anonymous and confidential, and participation in this survey is voluntary. 

This survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete.

this survey will be open until March 8, 2020.

After completing the survey, you will have the opportunity to enter a draw for one of four $100.00 Visa gift cards. If you choose to enter the draw you will need to provide us with either your email address OR your first name and phone number so that we can reach you. This information will be stored separately from your survey responses. Your answers to the survey questions will not have any effect on your eligibility to be entered into the draw.
1.have you been involved with planned parenthood toronto in any of the following ways? please select all that apply is a list of the things we do at planned parenthood toronto:
  • Sexual health services (including birth control, IUDs, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing and options, medical abortion, STI testing and treatment, PReP, and anonymous HIV testing)
  • Primary care services (meaning that we can be your family doctor)
  • Mental health services (including individual counselling, relationship counselling, therapy/support groups, and life resources/case coordination)
  • Mobile health care services (sexual health and primary health care)
  • EdgeWest health services for youth in the west end (sexual health, primary health and mental health care)
  • Trans health care
  • Individual sexual health peer education sessions in the clinic
  • Workshops on sexual health and healthier relationships
  • Peer-led workshops on HIV and STI prevention
  • Peer-led sexual health workshops for newcomer youth
  • Multi-week programming on HIV and STI prevention
  • Multi-week programming on sexual health and healthier relationships for newcomer youth
  • Mental health promotion workshops
  • Teen Health Source (sexual health info from peers, by text/chat/email/phone and website)
  • Peer-led anti-homophobia/biphobia/transphobia workshops
  • Weekly drop-in program for young parents
  • Community-based research
  • Sexual and reproductive health advocacy 
is there anything that we should be offering that we currently aren’t?
3.if planned parenthood toronto could only do one thing, what should we be doing and why? important is it to you that planned parenthood toronto has programs and services offered by youth volunteers (peers)?
5.can you tell us a bit about why you answered the above question the way you did?
6.what would prevent you from using planned parenthood toronto’s programs or services? please check all that apply.
7.what would make you more likely to use planned parenthood toronto’s programs or services? please check all that apply.
8.what are the ways that planned parenthood toronto could use technology better or differently in the delivery of our programs and services? (i.e. virtual visits with health care providers, text messaging with peer sexual health educators, online appointment booking etc.)
9.if we offered services virtually would you use them? would you and other youth you know want to be engaged in the development of programs and services at planned parenthood toronto?
11.our mission is “we are a pro-choice community health centre that advances and advocates for the sexual health, health, and well-being of youth”

do you think that our mission expresses what youth need us to be doing?
12.our vision is "a future of sexual and reproductive choice, freedom, and possibilities"

do you think our vision expresses what youth need us to be striving for?
13.our principles and values are listed below. which ones are important to you? please select all that apply there anything missing or anything you think we should change about our principles and values?
15.our equity vision statement is “we are committed to being an agency that values and reflects the diverse communities of toronto. we recognize that:

  • equity is different from equality.
  • equity is access to inclusive, high quality programming and services that respect your choices.
  • equity is ensuring that community input informs what we do and guides us to take action for social change that benefits you.”

is there anything missing or anything you think we should change about our equity vision statement? there anything else that you would like us to know?
thank you for completing our survey!

Please click on this link to enter the optional prize draw - 
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered