SPC maintains a Public Participation Plan and the plan provides an outline of the tools and techniques the SPC uses to inform and engage the public throughout the transportation planning and programming processes. The plan must comply with federal participation plan regulations and guidelines for metropolitan transportation planning and programs. Public participation is integral to the transportation planning process to ensure good policies, programs, and projects result from transportation planning efforts.

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback will help improve the SPC Public Participation Plan and the Public Participation Program.
Preview the DRAFT 2025 Public Participation Plan HERE.

Question Title

1. Please provide your Zip Code

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2. How familiar are you with the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC)?

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3. How would you describe your current involvement with the SPC?

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4. Which of the following best describes you? (check all that apply)

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5. Which of the following present a barrier to your involvement with the SPC? (select all that apply)

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6. Please select your preferences for receiving information about upcoming meetings and/or events.

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7. Have you ever participated in any of the following SPC housed meetings, events, or webinars? (Check all that apply, if you are unsure leave blank)

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8. What changes, if any, can the SPC make to improve the meeting/event experience? (check all that apply)

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9. Are you familiar with or have you ever provided comments on any of the following SPC Plans? (check all that apply)

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10. How would you rate SPC Performance of informing people of opportunities in transportation Planning?

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11. What are your preferred methods for giving feedback on SPC plans and/or activities?

Demographics Questions (Optional)

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12. To which gender do you most identify?

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13. What is your age?

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14. Do you identify as Hispanic or Latino?

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15. Which race or ethnicity best describes you?

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16. What is your approximate average household income?