Conference scholarships available for Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina GPA members!

Terms of Application: The Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina chapters of the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) will provide one (1) scholarship per chapter (3 total) to cover the Southern Regional Grant Conference registration fee for chapter members in good standing. Applications will be accepted until Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 5:00 pm Eastern. No late applications will be accepted or considered. Applicants will be notified of the decision regarding their submission on Friday, January 24, 2020. GGPA requests that scholarship applicants wait to register for the SRGC until after January 24. (Early bird registration rates are available until January 31, 2020.)

Each scholarship will cover the full registration fee for the two-day regional conference held on Thursday, April 23 and Friday, April 24, 2020 at Embassy Suites by Hilton, Greenville Downtown RiverPlace in Greenville, SC.

To be eligible to apply for a SRGC scholarship, you must be a GPA national and Georgia, North Carolina and/or South Carolina GPA chapter member in good standing, abide by the GPA Code of Ethics, and agree to these Terms of Application. Scholarship recipients agree to provide a headshot and write a 500 to 800-word article about their experience at the conference to be used for marketing purposes.

Members of the SRGC Scholarship Committee will review all applications using a standardized scoring rubric and will verify the accuracy of the information provided. It is recommended to craft your responses to questions 4 through 6 in a Word document and cut and paste your response into the application.

Please email Pat Sheppard at for any questions regarding this scholarship process.

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* 1. Part I: Applicant Contact Information

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* 2. Part II: Eligibility Requirements. Check all that apply to you. (Please note that the first four options are required to be eligible for this scholarship opportunity.)

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* 3. Check the GPA chapter(s) that are you are a member in good standing:

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* 4. Part III: Describe your experience in the grants field including your involvement with your state GPA chapter(s). (1,500 character limit with spaces)

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* 5. Why should you be chosen for a Southern Regional Grant Conference scholarship? Please provide examples of how a scholarship will further your career as a grant professional. (1,500 character limit with spaces)

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* 6. How will you give back to and improve your state GPA chapter(s) and enhance your growth/performance as a grant professional after attending the SRGC? (1,500 character limit with spaces)