1. Firm Overview

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Zweig Group is conducting a study of firm policies and procedures related to staffing, salaries, and financial benefits at AEC Industry firms.

Survey topic Staffing, Salaries, and Financial Benefits
Target audience Firm leader, director, or manager representing one of the following types of firms: architecture, engineering, planning, environmental consulting, interior design, land surveying, landscape architecture, construction management, or design/build
How many questions? 115
How long will it take? 50 minutes
What do I need to get started? Any information on policies and procedures related to staffing, salaries, and financial benefits at the firm

If you have questions, please contact the research department at research@zweiggroup.com

At the end of the survey, you will receive 50% off a Zweig Group report of your choice.

This is a confidential survey. While the results will be published in summary form, no one will be able to identify your firm as a participant.

Question Title

* 1. To maintain the precision and relevance of the data we collect, we may reach out to you in the future with additional inquiries. Kindly provide your email below:

Question Title

* 2. Within the last 12 months have you or someone at your firm taken part 1 of Zweig Group's Policies, Procedures & Benefits Survey?

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following best describes your firm overall?

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* 4. If your firm provides engineering services, please select all of the services below that it provides

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* 6. How many full time employees does your firm have? (use numerical response)

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* 8. How many offices does your firm have?

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* 9. Under what legal form of ownership is your firm organized? (check one)

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* 10. Does your firm have an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)? If so, how much of the firm’s stock does it own?

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* 11. If privately owned, how many owners does your firm have? (excluding ESOP, if any)

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* 12. What was your firm's annual net service revenue for the last completed fiscal year? (gross revenue minus subconsultants and reimbursable expenses)

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* 15. What percentage of your firm's work is performed as...? (should total 100%)

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* 16. Approximately what percentage of your firm’s work is performed for public vs. private vs. foreign clients? (should total 100%)

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* 18. Which of the following best describes your job level?

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* 19. Which of the following most closely matches your educational background?

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* 20. What is your exact job title?

4% of survey complete.