Emerging Themes from Community Input

You spoke, we listened! Over the last several months, hundreds of city residents and stakeholders have participated in a meeting or taken a survey to weigh in on the most important issues that will shape the city’s future. Now we want to make sure that we heard right.

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* 1. EMERGING THEMES: The following themes reflect community feedback gathered during the early rounds of public input. They will be used to help guide the rest of the planning process. Each theme represents a significant element of how participants envision the future of the city. Tell us if these statements are important to you.

  This is important to me This is not important to me I am unsure what this means
Appreciate Uniqueness: Portland should create plans that guide future development to both enhance and preserve existing community character.
Coordinated Planning: Portland should ensure future developments align with and compliment the planning efforts of adjacent municipalities and the region.
Economic Sustainability: Portland should strengthen its economic stability by creating plans that make the most of its local resources and assets.
Improve Accessibility: Portland should explore housing and transportation options to be accessible for all residents and visitors.
Proactive Investments: Portland should invest in improving infrastructure and services, such as transportation, public safety, social services, and cultural preservation to accommodate the community's growing needs.
Environmental Impact: Portland should use resources responsibly to meet current needs without harming the natural environmental and ecosystems, ensuring the well-being of future generations.

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* 2. Please share your comments on the EMERGING THEMES listed in the prior question.

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* 3. KEY TAKEAWAYS: The following statements represent action oriented takeaways from community input received to date.  Please let us know if you see it the same way or not.

  I see it the same I see it differently I am not sure
The city should work to attract a diverse range of restaurants and retail options and foster an environment where local businesses thrive.
The city should nurture a downtown that reflects the city's history, provides an inviting and safe atmosphere, and serves as the primary community gathering place and entertainment and cultural destination for residents.
The city should support sustainable and sound economic growth with appropriate land use regulations and infrastructure investments.
The city should protect, enhance, and restore habitat and natural ecosystems to levels of function that provide resilience and adaptability, prevent natural hazards, and work to ensure clean water and air.
The city should invest in community amenities for children to attract families and visitors.
The city should be a welcoming, inclusive, safe, and affordable place to live for anyone who chooses to live here.
The city should adopt a comprehensive plan to manage growth and align its policies and public investments with the community's vision.
The city should work to provide alternative transportation options such as walking, biking, and transit.
The city should support a mix of housing options that suit the lifestyle needs of all age groups and family structures.

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* 4. Please share your comments on the KEY TAKEAWAYS listed in the prior question.

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* 5. How did you find out about this survey?  Select all that apply

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* 6. Stay informed! Share your email address for future updates.