Dear APR Reader,

We’re so grateful for your interest in The American Poetry Review and the poets we publish. We believe that our mission to reach a worldwide audience with an eclectic and exciting array of poetry, and to provide our authors with serious attention, is as important today as it was when we began in 1972. Our reasons for conducting this survey are twofold:
  1. because knowing more about what our readers value will inform our programming and
  2. because it will help us craft appeals to sponsors.
The American Poetry Review remains a fully independent non-profit, but governmental support for the arts is far less, across all media, than it was in the past. Your participation in this survey helps APR find those donors and partners who secure our future.

Thank you!

Elizabeth Scanlon

Editor in Chief
The American Poetry Review
1906 Rittenhouse Square
Philadelphia, PA 19103
20% of survey complete.