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* 1. Select the option that best describes you

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* 2. If you selected Physician (non-rheumatology) or APP (non-rheumatology) above, please indicate your specialty

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* 3. What was your primary reason for visiting the site today? (Select all that apply)

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* 4. Rate your satisfaction with the following on the Rheumatology for Primary Care website

  Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied
Ease of use
Quality of the content
Usefulness in meeting your purpose for visiting the site

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* 5. How likely are you to recommend the Rheumatology for Primary Care website to others

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* 6. What additional resources have you used to learn more about rheumatology and/or other specialties?

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* 7. What additional content topics would you like to see included on the site in the future?

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* 8. Additional comments / suggestions (e.g., most useful information, need for clarity of information, issues with locating content, topics to add, other areas of improvement)

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* 9. If you are interested in helping the American College of Rheumatology improve this offering or other similar offerings aimed at helping primary care providers in caring for patients with suspected or diagnosed rheumatic disease, please provide your name and email below.