Wirral SEND Partnership is currently gathering views about the types of information, advice and support that is most useful  to families on Wirral. We want to hear about your experiences of our service and if you have not used us what the reasons for this are.

The information that we receive will be used to inform a two year service development plan that will underpin a funding bid for Department for Education (DfE) Funding to improve our service. 
We may be in touch to gather more information around the answers provided and your comments may be shared anonymously with our local and national stakeholders, this means other organisations that we work with and people that use our services. 

Submission of this survey acts as consent for WIRED to collect and use your data as outlined in the WIRED Group privacy policy - please follow the link below.

If you have any questions relating to use or storage of your data, or would like the policy explaining further please call us on 0151 522 7990 or email contact@wired.me.uk
Thank you for taking the time to complete. 

Question Title

* 1. Name 

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* 2. Phone Number and/or Email 

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* 3. How old are you?

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* 4. What are the issues that you most need Information, Advice and/or Support around in relation to your special educational needs or disability?

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* 5. Have you used Wirral SEND Partnership before?

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* 6. If you have used Wirral SEND Partnership please tell us how you heard about the service

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* 7. If you have not used Wirral SEND Partnership before please tell us why and then move onto question 23

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* 8. If you have used the service how helpful was the information, advice and support that we gave you?

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* 9. Please tell us what type of information, advice and support you have received from the service - tick all that apply.

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* 10. Did we return your calls promptly

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* 11. Did we keep in touch

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* 12. Did we explain decisions, keep you updated and explain next steps

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* 13. Did we listen to your views

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* 14. Did we treat you with respect

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* 15. Did we explain what the role of the service is?

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* 16. How neutral, fair and unbiased do you think we were? This means not taking sides

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* 17. How much difference do you think our information, advice and support has made for you?

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* 18. Please tell us more about the difference we made - select all that apply

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* 19. Please tell us of any other differences our service has made

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* 20. Overall how satisfied are you with the service provided?

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* 21. How likely is it you will recommend the service to others?

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* 22. Could we have done better? If yes please tell us more

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* 23. What type of information, advice and support is most valuable to you? Please choose up to five options

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* 24. What social media platforms do you use most? 

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* 25. If there is anything else you would like to add about the service you have received or if you have any ideas for things you would like to see happen in the future, please comment below.