Ongoing Education for Sustainability (EfS) Discussion Paper Consultation
In your school (or experience working with schools) to what extent are teachers, administrators and students involved in professional development for building capacity around shared understanding of EfS?
Highly involved
Somewhat involved
Not involved
Why or why not?
To what extent is your school/organisation aware of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Highly aware
Somewhat aware
Moderately aware
Please explain.
How capable are you to build capacity for sustainability, resilience and climate change into education at your school/organisation?
Highly capable
Somewhat capable
Not capable
If so, how?
Comment on the opportunities for local, vocational education and community-based career pathways available to students to prepare them for sustainable economies and emerging industries?
What collaborative approaches for building partnerships for education for sustainability would benefit your school/organisation?
Regionally based facilitators, educators and/or programs
Shared responsibility between government and EfS community
Coordinated improved access to information and resources
Professional development for the whole school community
All of the above
Other (please specify)
How established are partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander communities in your school that endorse EfS?
Very established
Somewhat established
Not very established
Please explain.
How established are the protocols and research-based processes that monitor, measure and report change regarding EfS within your school community/organisation?
Very established
Somewhat established
Not very established
Please explain.
In your opinion what protocols and research-based processes could support best practice within your school community/organisation?
Regional websites that provide up-to-date, research focused digital resources with credible materials and monitoring tools
Nationally recognised information databases
Reliable service providers and leading edge professional conferences
Videos showing examples of practice
Journal introducing examples of practice and sustainability stories
All of the above
Other (please specify)
Most people agree that reflective thinking processes in young people and empowering them to design action will lead to a more equitable and sustainable future. Do you agree?
Please explain.
Which of these four elements of EfS do you think is most important and which schooling system are you from?
Understanding Sustainability
Imaging the Future
Building Partnerships
Taking Action
Please enter your school name and or school type (primary, secondary, etc)
Current Progress,
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