Conference Theme and Topics

Question Title

* 1. Overall, this event was well organized.

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* 2. The session topics were relevant to you. 

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* 3. Overall, the information presented in sessions was new to you.

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* 4. You were satisfied with the range of topics covered.

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* 5. Comments regarding the overall conference and theme. 

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* 6. Overall, the speakers were informative and prepared.

Question Title

* 7. Speaker Ratings

  Very Poor Poor Okay Good Excellent Did Not Attend
Stephan Brandt (Pre-Conference) - How HR can help Build Leadership in an organization
Michelle Devlin (Pre-Conference) - Creating a Culture of Respect
Kevin Ames (Keynote) - Influence Greatness
Kevin Ames - Re-Examining Culture Through Leadership
Wayne St. John - Ready...Set...Toke! 
Jean Torrens - Accommodating Mental Health Conditions: Options and Pitfalls
Matthew Woodley - Social Media and the Workplace:  New Realities
Darel Baker - Productive Conflict  It is a real thing!
Joanne Leskow - Change Management vs. Change Leadership: A New Approach for Better Outcomes
Michelle Cederberg - The Success-Energy Equation:  How to Win Big at Work and Still Have a Life
Frankline Agbor - How to Make Diversity & Inclusion a Comparative Advantage in Your Hiring Practice
Courtney Cliff - Creating Safer Spaces for LGBTQ People
HR Trading Post Round Table
Faith Wood (Keynote) - From Stress to Resilience
Allan Kehler - Goodbye Stress Hello Life!
Debra deWaal - Mental Toughness
Brenda Robinson - Intergenerational Workplace
Faith Wood - Secrets of Persuasion
Joyce Mitchell - Managing Harassment in the Current #MeToo Era:  Pitfalls and Risks
Karman Gill - Mapping Out Your HR Tech for a Better Employee Experience
Rob St. Denis - First Nations Employee Recruitment
Evangeline Berube - Time We All Work Happy.  The Secret of the Happiest Companies & Employees
Margo Talbot (Keynote) - The Vitality Spectrum, Moving the Needle on Mental Wellness
Warren Macdonald (Keynote) - Return on Resilience:  Building a Stronger Community

Question Title

* 8. Comments regarding speakers and sessions.