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The Redlands Regional Jobs Committee want to hear from Redlands industry including business owners, business operators, HR and training managers. Please tell us what skilling and training you would like to offer your current staff plus what skilled workers you envisage you will be looking to hire within the next 3 years. Note: we have a separate survey for community members interested in enroling in training and skilling including job seekers and students! Visit:
What you share will help us to understand what our Redlands community want/need when it comes to training and skilling. We will then broker training and skilling opportunities to our Redlands Coast Region that:
(a) aligns with community training and skilling enrolment interests and
(b) links to industry/employers up-coming skilled job availabilities and needs here in the Redlands.

This twofold approach will ensure we are focusing our skilling and training efforts in the Redlands on training solutions that our community really want to complete that will lead to real job prospects, supporting our Redlands businesses workforce needs and prosperity.

This will result in the development of a skilled available Redlands Coast workforce that have the most in demand skills to meet the jobs vacancies on offer!

The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. We value your time and input. All data is used for research purposes only and will be kept in the strictest confidence.

The survey will close at midnight, Monday 29 April 2024.

This survey is an initiative of the Redlands Regional Jobs Committee, proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government, delivered by the Redlands Coast Chamber of Commerce.

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* 1. What industry sector(s) does your business operate in?

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* 2. Please provide the postcode where your business operates from.  (if applicable):

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* 3. How many employees (FTE) does your business currently employ?

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* 4. What are your current or anticipated staff training and skilling needs for the next few years? Please select from the options below, which may include specific courses, qualifications, or general areas of training.

It may help to search VET course offerings on the Skills Gateway:

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* 5. Which skilled worker roles do you find particularly hard to fill due to skills shortages or are notoriously hard to recruit for? Select all that apply.

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* 6. Are there any factors or barriers that have limited your businesses training engagement and outcomes?

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* 7. What general skills would you consider up-skilling your current staff in?

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* 8. Please share any further training, skilling, employment or economic prosperity comments, thoughts, or ideas.

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* 9. THANK YOU for your time and contribution. The intelligence gathered through this survey will help the Redlands Regional Jobs Committee to broker training and skilling of interest that will result in a more skilled regional workforce and a stronger Redlands industry, economy and community.
To get in touch please contact

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