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Live Q&A sessions for previous webinars

With this survey we would like to evaluate the audience interest in additional Q&A sessions for our previous webinars ( We are considering to arrange live webinars where we replay the recording of the presentation of previous webinars and then host another live Q&A session with the speaker on the line. We will look specifically into the need for such Q&A webinars at times that allow people in the Southern hemisphere to join.

Please note that we will only inquire this possibility with the speakers once we have received a sufficient number of requests. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to run the requested Q&A sessions but we will do our best.

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* 1. For which of the below webinars would you like us to host another live Q&A session with the speaker? Please see links below for details about these webinars.

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* 2. What time of the day would be best for you to join such live Q&A sessions?


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* 3. Please let us know which time zone you referred to in your previous answer.

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* 4. In which country are you based?

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* 5. Do you have any other feedback about REVIVE in general or suggestions for the webinars specifically?

0 of 5 answered