Gallery Place Chinatown Safety and Well-being Community Survey

The DowntownDC BID is committed to ensuring the safety and security of our community members. To achieve this goal, we are reaching out to gather valuable input from key stakeholders like yourself through our Community Safety Survey. Your participation in this survey will provide us with essential data and insights that will guide our efforts in enhancing safety measures and addressing any concerns within our community.

The survey covers a range of topics, including but not limited to:
  • Perceptions of safety within the community
  • Personal Experience
  • Suggestions for improving safety measures
1.What is your age? (Please Select one)(Required.)
2.What is your gender Identity? (Please Select one)(Required.)
3.How do you Identify your Ethnicity? (please select all that apply)(Required.)
4.What is your affiliation with the Gallery Place Chinatown area?(Required.)
5.How safe do you feel in public spaces in the Gallery Place-Chinatown area during the day?
6.How safe do you feel in public spaces in Gallery Place-Chinatown area during the night
7.How prevalent do you perceive drug-related issues to be in the Gallery Place-Chinatown area?
8.What factors do you believe contribute most to crime and drug-related issues Gallery Place-Chinatown area? (Select all that apply)
9.Have you or someone you know been a victim of crime or drug-related incidents in the Gallery Place-Chinatown area?
10.On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the current efforts to address safety, crime, and drug-related issues in the Gallery Place-Chinatown area?
11.What specific actions or initiatives do you believe could help address safety, crime, and drug-related problems in the Gallery Place-Chinatown area?
12.Is there anything else you would like to share or any additional suggestions for improving safety and addressing crime and drug-related issues in the Gally Place Chinatown area?
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered