From June 1 - August 31, 2024 BVCU will accept scholarship applications for the Jack Paterson & BVCU general scholarship. When applying please be sure to submit the following:
  1. An essay (500 word max) sharing what you intend to do in the future and how your education will help you achieve your goals.
  2. A letter of recommendation, preferably from your school teachers, professor(s) and/or instructors, community leaders, or employer.
  3. (Jack Paterson scholarship only): A demonstration of community service (eg. volunteering) and an essay (250 words max) on how serving your community has impacted you.
Section I: Personal Information

Question Title

* Contact info:

Question Title

* Contact info: Continued

If you are under 18 please complete the following section

Section II: Post-Secondary Information

If you intend to enroll in a university or college please fill out the Post-Secondary information section. If you are intending to enroll into an apprenticeship / trade that is not an academic institution, please fill out the apprenticeship section.

Question Title


Post-Secondary Information: University


Question Title

* Post-Secondary Information: University Continued

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Question Title


Post-Secondary Information: Apprenticeship


Section III: Achievements

Please be sure to submit the following:

1. A letter of recommendation        
2. An essay stating what you intend to do in the future with your education (500 word max) 
3. Any supporting documents (transcripts, project, etc.) which you believe highlight and demonstrate your skills and talents (OPTIONAL).
4. For the Jack Paterson Scholarship only: Please be sure to attach a demonstration of your community service. This can be in any media format. 

Question Title

Letter of recommendation

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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Question Title

* Statement of Intent

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Question Title

* Demonstration of Community Service: (Jack Paterson only) 

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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Question Title

* Demonstration of Community Service: (Jack Paterson only) 

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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Question Title

* Supporting Documents: (Optional) 

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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Section IV: Disclosure Agreements

Please be sure to review the following information carefully

Release Agreement

The recipient of the award must agree to have their name and photograph published in any and all media channels utilized by BVCU. Submission of an application will constitute agreement that BVCU becomes the owner of all submission material to be used for communication purposes, both internally and externally.

Confirmation of enrollment

Applicants must confirm enrollment in an approved educational institution before receiving payment of the scholarship. The scholarship must be used within the next school calendar year.

Confirmation of Residency
Applicants must confirm and show proof of Alberta residence in order for scholarship funds to be disbursed.

Confirmation of Digital Submission
Applicants confirm that all application materials are submitted digitally through SurveyMonkey. Any materials not submitted this way won't be considered as part of your application.

Question Title

* By checking the box below you agree to the aforementioned statements: