Survey Questionnaire

Thank you for joining our survey! We're excited to have you on board.

This year, Junior Achievement launched, a platform designed specifically for young people to explore career opportunities on the Isle of Man.

We think it's important you to have your say on what matters most about finding work on the Isle of Man. At the end of our research, we'll use your feedback to help employers understand how to attract and retain young talent.

Thank you for being a part of this initiative! Remember if you leave your contact details below you could be on of 10 lucky people to win a £25 voucher for a major retailer.

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2. Have you been educated on the Isle of Man?

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3. What is the highest level on education that you have obtained?

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4. How do you look for work on the Isle of Man?

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5. How has the COVID pandemic impacted on your career choice? Please tick any of the boxes that apply to you.

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6. Use the arrows below move the statements up or down to indicate what you most value in a job. Starting with the most important at the top.

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7. Do you generally find job descriptions easy to understand?

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8. If a job description was difficult to understand, would it put you off applying for that job?

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9. If you have applied for a job on the Isle of Man, how would you rate employers' responsiveness in getting back to you after you've applied for a job?

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10. If you've had job interviews on the Isle of Man, how would you rate the overall experience of them?

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11. Which is the most important skill for helping you get a job?

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12. Do you think there is enough opportunity for career progression on the Isle of Man?

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13. If you have encountered any obstacles to finding work on the Isle of Man please put brief details below.

Please leave your contact details below if you would like to be entered into our free draw. These will not be used for any other purpose. For full details you can read our privacy policy at

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14. Contact details

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15. It would be great if we could chat to you over a coffee or Zoom to ask how you feel about work on the Isle of Man. If you would be willing to take part please put a note below and don't forget to fill in your contact details above.