Thanks you for attending Pri-Med UPDATES. We value your feedback and it helps us improve our educational offerings and your experience.Please take 5 minutes and share your thoughts by end of day Friday, December 13, 2024. At the end you can enter into a draw to win 1 of 9 $50CDN Amazon digital gift cards AND a free pass to Pri-Med Canada 2025 Live or Virtual. Question Title * 1. What Event/City did you attend? Vancouver Winnipeg London Halifax Toronto East (Ajax Convention Centre) Ottawa Calgary Toronto West (The International Centre) Virtual (Dec 6th) Question Title * 2. How likely is it that you would recommend Pri-Med UPDATES to a friend or colleague? Not at all likely Extremely likely 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 3. Overall, what was the impact of this CME Program on you or your practice? Check all that apply: My practice will be changed and improved I learned something new I am motivated to learn more This experience confirmed I am doing the right thing(s) I perceived bias in this program I was dissatisfied for another reason Question Title * 4. Please rate the following statements: Strongly Agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly Disagree (1) Overall, my experience at the conference was positive and worthwhile Overall, my experience at the conference was positive and worthwhile Strongly Agree (5) Overall, my experience at the conference was positive and worthwhile Agree (4) Overall, my experience at the conference was positive and worthwhile Neutral (3) Overall, my experience at the conference was positive and worthwhile Disagree (2) Overall, my experience at the conference was positive and worthwhile Strongly Disagree (1) Overall, I found the CME Program valuable and educational Overall, I found the CME Program valuable and educational Strongly Agree (5) Overall, I found the CME Program valuable and educational Agree (4) Overall, I found the CME Program valuable and educational Neutral (3) Overall, I found the CME Program valuable and educational Disagree (2) Overall, I found the CME Program valuable and educational Strongly Disagree (1) Overall, I found the time spent with exhibitors helped me and my practice Overall, I found the time spent with exhibitors helped me and my practice Strongly Agree (5) Overall, I found the time spent with exhibitors helped me and my practice Agree (4) Overall, I found the time spent with exhibitors helped me and my practice Neutral (3) Overall, I found the time spent with exhibitors helped me and my practice Disagree (2) Overall, I found the time spent with exhibitors helped me and my practice Strongly Disagree (1) I will attend next year I will attend next year Strongly Agree (5) I will attend next year Agree (4) I will attend next year Neutral (3) I will attend next year Disagree (2) I will attend next year Strongly Disagree (1) Question Title * 5. To help our Humber River Planning Committee with future Pri-Med UPDATES programs, what future topics would be of most relevance or professional interest to you? Question Title * 6. Please share any comments (positive or constructive) about your experience at Pri-Med UPDATES. Question Title * 7. Optional: Enter To Win!If you wish to remain anonymous, please skip this question.If you wish to enter, please provide your name and email address (the same one you used to register for Pri-Med UPDATES) to be entered into the draw to win 1 of 9 $50CDN Amazon digital gift cards AND a free pass to Pri-Med Canada 2025 Live or Virtual. Contest Closes December 13, 2024, 11:59pm EDT and winners will be notified via email by December 18, 2024. Name Email Phone Done