Fall 2024 Site Visit Preferences Survey:

After completing the first few introductory questions of this Survey Monkey survey, please select at least four (4) date options during which you could be available, if assigned. Indicate "Willing To Be TC or TM" or "Team Member" (among the other options in the dropdown).  All site visits are 1 and a half day visits except for multiple campus visits which are scheduled for 2 full days.

Fall 2024 site visit assignments will be made in May, and all surveyors that submit preferences will be contacted shortly after the assignments have been made. Please do not sign up for a visit in a state where you work or reside, or in a state in which you’ve worked in the recent past.

If you are still not comfortable traveling at this time then we would request that you not sign up for visits in the fall. 

If you are no longer able to remain as an active surveyor, we would appreciate you contacting us.

Multiple Campus means that the full medical assisting program is offered at more than one location.

Please select AT LEAST FOUR (4) site visit options.

With sincere thanks for all that you do to serve the Medical Assisting community,

The A-Team

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* 1. Provide the following information

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* 2. Do you have site visit experience in any of the following areas? (Click all that apply.)

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* 3. Do you have strengths in any of the following areas? (Please select all that apply.)

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* 4. Are you willing to serve on more than one visit during the fall 2024 semester?

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* 5. Within the past five years, have you been the Team Coordinator for a site visit?