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* 1. Municipality

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* 2. Name of Person Preparing this Report

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* 3. Email of Person Preparing this Report

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* 4. Award Date

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* 5. Total Award Amount

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* 6. Grant phase(s) awarded:

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* 7. What consultant(s) did your municipality contract with? Please include their contact information.

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* 8. Did your municipality create a housing commission, committee, or equivalent group as a result of this grant program?

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* 9. Please tell us how the housing commission, committee, or equivalent group was involved in grant activities. Include if that group is likely to continue their work after the grant period ends. Write N/A if your municipality does not have a housing commission, committee, or equivalent group.

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* 10. How many groups were involved in grant activities, including participation in Housing Academy? Please include governmental bodies (planning board members, local elected officials, housing committee appointees, etc.), as well as other community groups.

Approximately how many volunteers were engaged in grant-related activities? Please indicate the roles of volunteers.

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* 11. Please describe the municipality's community engagement activities. How many and what type of community engagement tools did the municipality employ? What was successful? What challenges were experienced?

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* 12. In what ways (if any) did Housing Academy enhance your municipality’s community engagement strategies?

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* 13. For Phase 1 grantees only. Answer the following questions, as applicable:  
  • What chapter(s) of the master plan were updated as a result of this grant program? 
  • What were the lessons learned for the community from the local Housing Needs Assessment? 
  • Please include a link to all deliverables, including report(s) and updated chapters or send via email to

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* 14. For Phase 2 grantees only. Answer the following questions, as applicable: 
  • What are the regulatory barriers to housing development that your regulatory audit identified? 
  • Please describe the process of the municipality’s regulatory audit and how the regulatory audit will support the municipality's future success.  
  • Please include a link to any report(s) or presentations related to the regulatory audit or send via email to

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* 15. For Phase 3 grantees only. Answer the following questions, as applicable:
  • Did the municipality amend an existing zoning ordinance or land use regulation or draft a new zoning ordinance or land use regulation that will support the development of future housing as a result of this grant program?
  • If so, was the zoning ordinance or land use regulation successfully adopted by the legislative body?
    • If so, please include a link to the land use regulation or subsection of the zoning ordinance that was adopted or amended or send via email to
    • If not, please describe the barriers.
  • Please include any proposals under development or anticipated in the near future as a result of this work.

Please note, grantees that adopt ordinances or regulations paid in whole or part with these funds will be asked to report on permitting and development activity under the regulations for a period of three (3) years after completion.

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* 16. If your municipality worked with a Community Housing Navigator, please describe their role and your experience working with them?

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* 17. In what ways (if any), did this grant program set up your municipality for longer term success? What do you anticipate in the next twelve (12) months related to housing in your community?

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* 18. What were the top three factors that hindered success during the period of the grant (for example: staff capacity, volunteer capacity, availability of consultants, community receptivity, etc.)?

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* 19. What were the top three factors that supported success during the period of the grant (for example: local leadership, community engagement, consultant, etc.)?

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* 20. What aspects of the grant process did you feel were most beneficial in your community’s efforts? Why? What suggestions would you have for improving this grant program? 

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* 21. Is there any other information we didn’t ask that you think is important to share?