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The information collected in this survey is confidential between the parties and shall not be disclosed to anybody else. Please review this description of the project before taking the survey. Thank you for taking our survey.

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* 1. Do you believe the proposed $6.7M campaign to expand and transform the internal and external elements of the Minnesota Marine Art Museum will be accepted by the philanthropic and business community?

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* 2. If yes/possibly, please list in what ways?

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* 3. If doubtful/no, please list why.

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* 4. Based on the brief summary of the project, what do you believe to be the benefits of the potential campaign to broaden and improve the visitor experience of MMAM?

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* 5. Please rank the features of the proposed campaign from most important to least important to furthering the mission of MMAM "to create meaningful art experiences that explore our relationship with water."

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* 6. Do you have any questions? Please elaborate if so.

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* 7. Do you have any concerns? Please elaborate if so.

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* 8. Please list any major fundraising campaigns currently underway or being planned in the Winona area, or any campaigns for the arts in other areas, of which you are aware.

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* 9. Who would you recommend has the credibility within the philanthropic community to serve as general chair or co-chairs of the campaign?

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* 10. Campaigns also require strong committees that work together to solicit and provide awareness for a campaign. Who are some other possible community members who would make good volunteers for this campaign?

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* 11. Would you consider serving on one of the short-term committees?

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* 12. If you answered "yes" or "possibly" above, please list which committee(s) you may be interested in serving.

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* 13. If you answered "no" above, would you share why you are not interested serving in a committee at this time?

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* 14. Years of experience in capital campaigns teach us that most successful campaigns have similar patterns of giving. Please review the $6.7M gift table that represents the giving patterns for typical successful campaign.

Who do you feel would be able to contribute 15-20% of a campaign goal for the project if a campaign is to move forward? List as many individuals, organizations, and foundations as you can identify.

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* 15. In reviewing the gift table, who else may be the largest contributors to this campaign?

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* 16. This is at a very initial stage of a potential capital campaign, but do you believe you (or your family, company, organization, or foundation) would consider a gift to the campaign, if you are asked?

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* 17. If you answered yes, what possible amount could you see giving over three to five years to help the board of directors determine if they should initiate a capital campaign at this goal?

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* 18. Is there anything that you think would be an important element to add to the campaign, or anything else you would like to share?

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* 19. Contact Information

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