Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your profession?

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* 2. My practice setting is...

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* 3. During the past 12 months, what changes have you observed at your institution regarding the prevention and management of HAIs?

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* 4. Which of the following would you consider to be risk factors for a MDR infection? (check all that apply)

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* 5. What barriers to the optimal management of HAIs continue to be in place at your institution?

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* 6. How confident do you feel clinicians at your institution are in managing patients with infections caused by:

  Not at all Confident 2 3 4 Very Confident
ESBL-producing bacteria
P. aeruginosa
A. baumannii

Question Title

* 7. For each statement, please answer related to institutional practices during the past 12 months.

Use of prolonged infusions of beta-lactams
Frequency of de-escalation of therapy
Interprofessional communication
Compliance with infection control measures
Use of bundled approaches to care

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* 8. Please rank the following bacterial pathogens as you feel are the greatest threat to hospitalized patients(1=greatest threat, 5=least threat)

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* 9. What do you consider to be the greatest challenge when managing C. difficile infections?

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* 10. In your opinion, what are the most significant barriers when treating patients with MDR infections?