PEPFAR Strategy: Vision 2025
We are deeply grateful for our ongoing collaboration with such a diversity of stakeholders and constituencies around the world as we collectively develop the next PEPFAR Strategy: Vision 2025. Thank you to the nearly 2,000 people who joined the next PEPFAR Strategy Listening Sessions from August 9-17! The feedback that we have received so far from all of you has been deeply insightful and invaluable.
As we continue the PEPFAR Strategy development process, we hope that you will keep your inputs coming, including by reflecting on the Draft Overview PEPFAR Strategy and the questions below, and providing any additional thoughts that you would like to offer on the Strategy. The more specific and targeted that you can be in your responses, the easier it is to consider your ideas.
As we continue the PEPFAR Strategy development process, we hope that you will keep your inputs coming, including by reflecting on the Draft Overview PEPFAR Strategy and the questions below, and providing any additional thoughts that you would like to offer on the Strategy. The more specific and targeted that you can be in your responses, the easier it is to consider your ideas.
Please submit all survey responses by 5:00 PM ET on Tuesday, August 31st.
Thank you,