
As you may or may not know, DEC has been on a journey for several years to ensure that we are a part of confronting the deep disparities that we see in outcomes for children of color with disabilities and their families. DEC is guided by our Racial Equity Point of View to create changes to our policies, practices, and norms, such as the DEC Recommended Practices (DEC RPs), to effect change.

We are reviewing the DEC RPs with a race and ability-explicit power analysis to identify how they are used in the field by practitioners and how they can be improved to address the needs of all children across race and levels of ability. We know they currently do not, and for our process of review and change, we need your input.

Thank you for completing this survey to offer your wisdom as a practitioner in the field. There are no right or wrong answers. What is vitally important is that you speak openly and honestly, and share what you know from your lived experience.

Your feedback is 100% confidential. Your responses will only be seen by our partners at CounterPart Consulting, and no others. CounterPart will share themes, and possibly anonymous quotes with us at DEC.

Thank you for completing this survey by November 1, 2024 If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen Crabbs at or Sterling Freeman at

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* 1. What is the age group with whom you work? (Choose all with whom you currently work only.)

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* 2. My current role as a practitioner is:

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* 3. What do you know about the DEC RPs? How were/are the DEC RPs communicated to you?

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* 4. How well are you supported in your learning about the DEC RPs?

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* 5. How well are you supported in developing strategies to integrate DEC RPs into your work?

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* 6. To what extent do you use the DEC RPs in your work with children and families?

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* 7. Why do you use them at the level you do?

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* 8. How well do the DEC RPs support your ability to serve children and families across race and ability?

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* 9. What particular sections do you use? (please check all that apply)

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* 10. In what particular ways are they helpful?

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* 11. What barriers do they present?

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* 12. What is missing from the DEC RPs? What would happen if what you named were included in the DEC RPs?

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* 13. What is your level of agency in helping to shape the DEC RPs?

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* 14. What would you like your agency to be?

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* 15. Whether your are familiar and work with the DEC RP's or not, what are some tools and resources DEC can offer to support your learning and utilization of them?

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* 16. What else would you like to share?

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* 19. I practice in the following state(s):