Max Adventure Race - Sunshine Coast 2021 - Participant Feedback

1.Overall, how would you rate the event?(Required.)
2.How likely are you to attend the event again in the future?(Required.)
3.Are you on the Sunshine Coast specifically for this event?(Required.)
4.What is your involvement with the event?(Required.)
5.Where do you reside?(Required.)
6.Where are you staying (complete only if not a Sunshine Coast resident)?
7.What type of accommodation have you booked (complete only if not a Sunshine Coast resident)? 
8.How many nights are you staying (complete only if not a Sunshine Coast resident)?
9.How much are you spending per night on accommodation (complete only if not a Sunshine Coast resident)?
10.If you are a participant in the event, how many non-participating family/friends have travelled with you to the event?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered