About Learning Circle & Registration Process

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Your responses will support the Employment Research Project conducted by the South Asian and Tamil Women's Collective (SATWC). SATWC is a grassroots organization dedicated to creating spaces for intergenerational connection, growth, and learning for South Asian and Tamil women, girls, and gender-diverse communities. To learn more about us, visit our website.

SATWC is leading a community-based research project that aims to better understand the career development and employment needs of young South Asian and Tamil women and gender-diverse communities (ages 18 to 30) across the Greater Toronto Area. This project will explore the career development challenges and advancement opportunities, addressing cultural nuances, gender expectations, and exploitative labour practices.

Your responses to these survey questions are crucial to identifying the key needs and experiences of young South Asian and Tamil women and gender-diverse individuals as we conduct our virtual learning circles. This survey should take approximately 5-7 minutes to complete. Your survey responses are anonymous and will remain confidential. The data collected will be summarized and themed; individual responses will not be shared. Only SATWC's research team will have access to your survey data.
Scheduling a Learning Circle Session: After completing this survey, if you are interested in participating in a learning circle (focus group), you will have the opportunity to sign up for a session in July. You will be redirected to a Google form after this survey to complete. Please note that once you sign up for a learning circle session, we will review your eligibility and reach out to confirm learning circle details with you.

For any questions about this research project to our team at projects@satwcollective.com. This community-based research project is funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and supported by the Agincourt Community Services Association.
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50% of survey complete.