Survey On Pediatric Transplantation
How often do you typically read Pediatric Transplantation?
- I never read the journal
- Less than once a month
- Once a month
- At least once a week
- Daily
- Only when a new issue comes out
- Only when I get an email reminder
- Other (please specify)
Does the impact factor of Pediatric Transplantation influence your decision to read a paper published in it?
- Yes
- No
Does the impact factor of Pediatric Transplantation influence your decision to submit your work for publication to the journal?
- Yes
- No
What type of Pediatric Transplantation articles most interest you?
- Clinical reports/technique articles
- Clinical research trials
- Laboratory-based science
- Reviews of the published literature
- Practice guidelines
- Registry reports
- Type of grafts
- Solutions for graft shortage
- Pre- and post-transplant imaging
- Research about the profession of __________________
Which of the following areas are the most interesting to you? (choose 3)
- Immunosuppression
- Surgical techniques
- Complications of transplant
- Long term outcomes of transplant
- Quality of life
- Emerging therapies
- Transplant-related imaging
- Other (please specify)
Which of the following areas are the least interesting to you? (choose 3)
- Immunosuppression
- Surgical techniques
- Complications of transplant
- Long term outcomes of transplant
- Quality of life
- Emerging therapies
- Transplant-related imaging
How effective is Pediatric Transplantation in meeting your professional information needs?
- Exceeds your expectations
- Meets your expectations
- If below your expectations, please explain/specify to allow for improvement.
What journal is your primary source of new information in your field relating to transplantation?
- Peds Nephrology
- Am J Transplantation
- Transplantation
- Clinical Transplantation
- Transplant International
- Pediatric Transplantation
- Journal of Heart-Lung Transplant
Other (please specify)
If you wanted to change one thing about Pediatric Transplantation, what would you change?
Frequency of publishing
Balance of basic/clinical research
Other (please specify)
How would you modify it?
Have you ever submitted a manuscript to Pediatric Transplantation?
- Yes
- No (skip to #14)
How long ago did you submit a manuscript?
- <1 year ago
- Between 1 and 2 years ago
- Between 2 and 5 years ago
- Between 5 and 10 years ago
- More than 10 years ago
Compared to other journals, how did you find the experience of submission?
- Easier
- Similar to other journals
- More complicated
What is your primary role in your institution currently?
How long have you been working in the transplant field?
- 1 year
- Between 2 and 5 years
- Between 5 and 10 years
- Between 10 and 20 years
- More than 20 years
Would you ever have interest in becoming a member of the Editorial Board?
- Yes
- No