Artists in Residence Idea: Te Whare Oho at REACT

Artists in Residency scheme idea: Te Whare Oho at REACT

REACT would love your input with regards a concept for collaborative Creative Projects, using the house at 2467 (Te Whare Oho) to house groups/indivduals coming together to create something larger than the sum total of it's parts. 
We have been made more aware than ever during the Covid lockdown that we have a little slice of paradise away from the madding crowds which we could be utilising more fully.  We are geographically sited in Northern Manwatu, 24km from SH1, and could provide a handy spot mid country for artists to  meet and create together. 
We are an Environmental Arts Centre, and would love site specific or nature appreciative works to be a potential focus.
To this end we seek your thoughts too - should we bother moving ahead formally with this idea?
In case you don't know of us, here's a link:
1.REACT would provide a 3 bedroom house so geographically distanced individuals/ groups could come together to work on imagined collaborative ideas.
Would you be interested in an Artists in Residence scheme that both promotes and enables Collaborative working for individuals and groups?
2.What length of time would you find ideal for working on a project in a residential collaborative style?
3.Do you have individuals/ groups you would like to collaborate with that you could see utilising this space to do so?
4.I work in the field of  (you can detail below in comments if you wish)
5.What type of artists would you be interested in collaborating with?
6.Where is your usual geographic location?
7.Where would your intended collaborators come from?
8.Would you need help from REACT as an umbrella organisation in finding funding assistance to undertake a residency?
9.Would you be interested in collaborating with REACT resident artists for environmentally creative and sustainable solutions in your project?
10.Any other comments with regards this whole concept:feel free to leave contact details if you want us to get back to you
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered