A recent survey by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies tells us that "eighty-six percent of workers value a 401(k) or similar retirement plan as an important benefit, and seventy-seven percent of workers [73 percent of Millennials] who are offered a 401(k)* participate in that plan." 

However, Navient's Money Under 35 National Survey found that "nearly 4 in 10 young adults in America believe that saving for retirement can wait. Many young adults, ages 22 to 35, tend to prioritize short-term goals like homeownership, saving for vacation, paying down debt or building an emergency fund" over saving for retirement. Please complete the following survey to help us compare the local employment market to these national statistics. 

*401(k) or similar plan 

Question Title

* Name (Optional)

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* Name of your company (Optional)

Question Title

* What is your age?

Question Title

* How important is a 401(k)* to you as an employee?

Question Title

* Does your employer offer a 401(k)*?

Question Title

* If your employer offers a 401(k),* do you participate?

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* If your employer offers a 401(k),* is there a match?

Question Title

* If there is a match, do you maximize the match?

Question Title

* If you are not participating in or maximizing your 401(k)* what are the reasons? (Check all that apply)