About the Course

Welcome to the EPF Skills Training for Young Patients Advocates (STYPA) application form.
Please read the information below before starting the application process.

The Course:
STYPA is an exciting and unique opportunity offering a tailored high-quality course for young patients or representatives of young patients, providing the space to dive deeper into the important topic of Digital Health and AI. The Skills Training 2025 aims to:

· Enhance awareness of the transformative potential of digital health and AI in healthcare, particularly for patients with chronic conditions, and their impact on patient experiences and outcomes.

· Foster understanding of ethical and social challenges associated with digital health and data use, including equity, transparency, privacy, and inclusivity.

· Equip young patient advocates with practical knowledge on data governance, digital health tools, and AI applications to enable responsible advocacy for patient-centered innovation.

· Empower participants to promote equitable and inclusive healthcare systems that leverage digital advancements while safeguarding patient rights and addressing potential risks.

· Engage participants in EPF campaigns and initiatives advocating for ethical and sustainable digital health policies, enabling them to lead efforts in their own countries and communities.

By achieving these objectives, the training will empower young patient leaders to take an active role in shaping a future healthcare landscape that is innovative, ethical, and centered around patient needs.

When and where?
Introduction webinar - June 2025;
The face-to-face meeting of STYPA will be held on 3, 4, 5 and 6 July 2025, in Brussels, Belgium;
Follow up workshop webinars - August and September 2025;
Closing webinar - October 2025.
*Please, note that EPF will cover travel and accommodation for all accepted participants in the course.

Who should apply?
Applicants must be:
  • Young Patient with a chronic and/or lifelong illness/condition who is not affiliated with a patient organisation,
  • Young Patient with a chronic and/or lifelong illness/condition who is affiliated with a patient organisation,
  • Young Employee or volunteer of a patient organisation,
  • 18 – 30 years of age at the time of applying,
  • Living in Europe.
Please, note that the entire training will be in English. To successfully take part in this training course, you must have a working knowledge of English.

Overview of STYPA:
Click here to find out more useful information about the training course like, what are the different phases of the course.

If you have any additional questions or issues with your application, please contact EPF Staff at stypa@eu-patient.eu.
Best of luck!