Members in good standing are welcome to use this online form to propose a fellow member as a potential Elder, Deacon or Deaconess nominee. To submit multiple nominations, simply fill out this form multiple times.

Prior to nominating an individual please read the qualifications by CLICKING HERE

Question Title

* 1. Name of the member you are nominating

Question Title

* 2. Are they a member?

Question Title

* 3. Office or Role of Nominee

Question Title

* 4. I have read the qualifications for Elders, Deacons and Deaconesses and believe this person meets the qualifications for the office or role I have nominated them for.

Question Title

* 5. In light of the qualifications for the specific role, why do you believe they meet the requirements / what are some examples of how they have displayed those qualifications toward you or others?

Question Title

* 6. Your Name

Question Title

* 7. I am a member in good standing of Redeemer Presbyterian Church