The Virginia Department of Corrections would like to reach out to other state agencies regarding their efforts in providing inmate CPR and Naloxone Training.

For questions, please contact Libbie L. Miller at
Please respond by December 20th, 2023.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the contact information for the person completing this survey.

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* 2. Which training is available to inmates in your facilities? (Select all that apply)

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* 3. If you offer any of the trainings listed in Question 2, who is it offered to?

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* 4. If “Inmates who meet certain criteria” was selected for Question 3, what are the criteria for training eligibility?

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* 5. Who can access and administer Naloxone/Narcan within your facilities? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. How is Naloxone/Narcan stored at your facility?

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* 7. Where does your agency provide intensive drug rehabilitation programs for inmates?

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* 8. Additional Comments (optional)

Thank you for taking our survey!