Naas CBS Parent CBA Survey

1.Did you attend the information night on the New Junior Cycle on 24th of January?
2.If you did attend the information meeting did you find it helpful?
Not at all helpful
Not helpful
Very helpful
3.Rate your agreement with the following statement:
"I believe that the Junior Certificate needed to change and I am pleased that these changes are taking place."
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
4.Do you know of the Junior Cycle resources available for parents?
5.'I am aware of the subjects that will be examined under the new specification for Junior Cycle'
6.The new junior cycle encourages students to become independent learners and to develop important life skills. On a scale of 1-5 how informed are you on this curriculum change?
1 Not well informed
5 Very well informed
7.The CBA is an opportunity for the student to learn through his application to an original piece of work. Do you agree that it is important that this is his own work?
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
8.On a scale of 1-5 rate your knowledge of the new assessment practises.
1 No knowledge
5 Very good knowledge
9.How many Classroom Based Assessments, per subject, will be undertaken by your son during his three years at Junior Cycle.
10.How many Assessment Tasks, per subject, will be undertaken by your son during his three years at Junior Cycle
11.What topics would you like further information on in future?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered