Youth Advisory Committee Nomination Form

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* 1. Please provide contact information for yourself, the nominator. (If you are under 18, please fill out this form with an adult.)

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* 2. Please provide the following information about the young person you are nominating for the Youth Advisory Commitee:

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* 3. Please provide an example of how this young person speaks up articulately and passionately to express their views.

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* 4. Why do you believe this person would be an effective advocate for AYCO youth members?

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* 5. How has the person you are nominating shown involvement in the AYCO community? Have they attended AYCO regional or national festivals, showcases or other events? Are they an AYCO member, and if so, how long have they been one?

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* 6. How do you know the young person you are nominating? How long have you known them?

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* 7. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about this young person? If you would like to email any materials to support this nomination, please send them to with the subject line "Youth Advisory Committee nomination materials" and include the nominee's full name.