Exit Mentor Questionnaire Question Title * 1. Please provide your name, home address, email, and phone number: Question Title * 2. Are you a Born Again Believer/Christian? (John 3:3-8) Yes No Not sure Question Title * 3. Are you Baptized in the Holy Spirit and speck in tongues? (Acts 2:2-4) Yes No Question Title * 4. Are you willing to take our Spiritual Gifts Survey? Yes No Question Title * 5. Are you willing to accept the Word of God as final authority in all matters of life? (Eph. 1:17) Yes No Question Title * 6. Are you wiling to commit to a one year period for teaching/sharing with your Mentee candidate? (Matthew 28:19) Yes No I don't know Question Title * 7. When did you receive Jesus as your personal Savior? (John 3:3-8) Question Title * 8. Are you willing to commit to meeting once per week with your Mentee candidate? Yes No Question Title * 9. The Kingdom Truth website “Library of Teachings” and information will provide you with the lessons and information.Website – https://www.kingdomtruth.net/There are many Teachings you can use for lessons, and video classes on You-Tube of “The Believer’s School of Training” from Bob & Jean Shaw, and a “Help-Line” to go to when you have questions. And, new materials are being added on a regular basis.The Mentors will teach/share with their Mentee’s of the same gender.We will allow the Mentor’s to submit names for possible Mentee’s for us to review with you.In some ways it would be easier for the Mentor to select a possible Mentee that they know.When any Mentor or Mentee successfully finishes a one year term of Mentorship, they will receive a “Certificate of Completion” of the Mentorship program.If you agree with these questions and information and desire to help people grow spiritually with this “Hands-On” Mentorship program, and fulfilling the “Great Commission”, please select "Yes" below. The benefits are “Out of this World”. Yes No Done