Performance Improvement Plan 2025-2026 Consultation

Your Views

It is very important that our citizens have an opportunity to directly participate in the development of our Improvement Objectives for 2025-2026.
Improvement Objectives:
Do you agree with us pursuing these objectives?
1.We will work with partners to improve the lives of citizens.
2.We will maintain and improve our local areas.
3.We will reduce our environmental impact and improve sustainability.
4.If Mid and East Antrim Borough Council could make any improvement to positively impact on your life or environment, what would it be?
Please tell us about you.
5.Which category best describes you?
6.Which general area do you live or work in?
7.What age are you?
The survey is now complete. Thank you for your time and participation.
Data Protection

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is collecting your personal information as part of our consultation on our Performance Improvement Plan for 2025-2026.

We will keep your information secure, accurate, and for no longer than is necessary in accordance with data protection laws.

If you wish to find out more about how we control and process your personal data and protect your privacy, please visit: